A farmer, lured by a seemingly lucrative castor seed investment, lost his savings in a massive scam. The promised high yields never materialized, leaving him and his community with debt and shattered dreams. The experience taught him a valuable lesson about trusting opportunities that seem too good to be true. Read More...
IJGB accidentally sent NGN600,000 instead of NGN300,000. Recipient refused a refund, escalating to a dispute. Bank intervention secured the full NGN600,000 return. Read More...
Inherited uncle's bakery, discovered employee theft on Christmas Eve. Police involvement shattered trust, leaving a bittersweet Christmas Day. Questioning the right course of action. Read More...
Zlatan discovered Segun Wire, a young boy who aspired to be an internet fraudster. Zlatan helped him, but his mother, believing Zlatan exploited him, took Segun back, leading to Segun's decline. Now struggling, Segun regrets leaving Zlatan's care. Read More...